Guy Photoshops Celebs To Look Like Average People


NYC-based Artist, Danny Evans, explores via the power of Photoshop what celebs would look like if they weren’t famous.

Although the concept is great and that Rihanna photo is absolutely hilarious, Danny’s views are a little skewed. Apparently being an average Joe or plain Jane involves wearing out-of-date 80’s clothing, having terribly un-styled hair and being overweight.

Now, I do realize Danny was trying to illustrate what they’d look like without the luxury of a personal trainer, personal stylist etc. and making them all a bit chunky was the only way to really illustrate that but it is all a little stereotypical.

I think Danny could take his concept to the next level by creating a photo series that shows celebs in everyday roles such as photo-shopping them being the help, such as a Nanny, dog walker etc.

What do you think?


(via Tech E Blog)

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